3 D Mammogram

Women’s Imaging

Specialist Imaging for Women

At Harbour Radiology, we offer comprehensive and specialised women's imaging services tailored to meet the unique healthcare needs of women. Our team of Radiologists are highly skilled and experienced in women’s imaging, continuously enhancing their expertise through ongoing professional development programs. We collaborate closely with referring practitioners to deliver expert, safe, accurate, and personalised care to each patient.

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Breast Imaging

Regular breast examinations, including mammograms starting at age 40, are essential for women’s health. In addition to routine screening, your doctor may refer you for various breast imaging procedures for several reasons, including:

• Identifying lumps or abnormalities in breast tissue or the nipple region
• Diagnosing and monitoring breast cancer and tumors
• Evaluating the integrity of breast implants

We employ a diverse range of diagnostic imaging and interventional procedures, often combining multiple examinations for precise diagnosis. Our breast scan services include:

• Digital Mammography
• 3D Tomosynthesis
• Ultrasound
• Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) and Core Biopsy


Gynecology and Pelvic Imaging

Gynecological and pelvic imaging plays a crucial role in women’s healthcare, serving various diagnostic purposes. Your doctor may request these examinations for reasons such as:

• Pelvic Ultrasound: External assessment of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
• Transvaginal Ultrasound: Internal assessment of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

For comprehensive pregnancy ultrasound services, please refer to our Obstetric and Pregnancy Ultrasound page.
Experience the highest quality of care with our women’s imaging services at Harbour Radiology. Schedule your appointment today to receive expert and compassionate care tailored to your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Please let our staff know when you are booking if you have a preference for a female technician and we will accommodate that for you.

All mammograms/tomosynthesis scans will be undertaken by a female Radiographer.

Any scans under Ultrasound, you are welcome to have someone with you in the room during the scan. For any scans that have radiation such as Mammography they will need to wait in the reception area.

Standard breast imaging (Mammogram and Ultrasound for both breasts) has a $90 gap. You will need to pay around $190 upfront and Medicare rebates you $100.

For gynecological and pelvic imaging it is bulk-billed with the exception of Obstetric scans, which come with a $90 gap.

If you have any questions regarding pricing please ask our reception team.

How to prepare for breast imaging

We recommend for any breast scans (Mammography or Ultrasound) that you do not apply any deodorant or powders to the under arm, upper arm or chest area as this can cause some irritation by the machine.

How to prepare for pelvic or gynecological imaging

For pelvic and gynecological imaging the preparation usually requires you to empty your bladder 1.5hrs prior to the appointment, drink 1 liter of water immediately after emptying the bladder and hold that in for at least 1 hour prior to coming in.

Please do ask our friendly reception staff for further clarification on preparation for any pelvic and gynecological imaging.

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